I think it's undeniable that most high schoolers either do immature things, encourage others to do immature things, or enjoy to watch others do immature things. For some reason, teens are often the object of criticism for their ways from their parents, and, however, are applauded by their peers after they see the video of his action.
Why is this? Why is an adult usually more mature than a teenager? For a while, I thought it was experience, but this is not the case. Rather, for this answer, we must turn to philosophy.
First, we'll take a look at Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher. Part of Kierkegaard's theory is that of multiple life stages: the aesthetical stage, the ethical stage, and the religious stage. Another key element of this theory is that an individual must find himself on one of these stages. He cannot be halfway ethical and halfway religious.
However, what makes this theory applicable to this situation is that someone can stay at whichever stage he or she wants. Kierkegaard reasons that it takes a reasoned choice to move from the aesthetical stage, one in which the individual is merely observing the world as it affects him and acts without realizing consequences, to the ethical stage, one where the individual understands his or her actions have far-reaching consequences and is willing to take responsibility for said actions.
When we apply this to what most high schoolers do, we see that they don't think things through, showing a lack of commitment. This is a clear sign that the individual is in the aesthetical stage rather than the more mature, perceptive ethical stage.
This also brings up my argument against high school relationships: that most of the time they lead to disappointment, disapproval, and avoidance of the other partner. If the majority of these high schoolers are not mature enough to realize and accept the consequences of their actions, how can they be ready for a relationship that is anything more than superficial, or ascetically pleasing? Instead, the majority of these relationships are merely for pleasure rather than commitment. The purpose behind them is skewed and twisted, and therefore, will end badly for both parties.
Note: I'm not saying all high schoolers are immature, simply that most of them are.
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